
Wedding photography blog sharing tips for planning your wedding

We have been featured in H&H Weddings!

Ivn and Bernard's wedding from June of 2014 was featured in H&H Weddings! As a Maryland based wedding photographer with experience with many local venues we were pleased to hear that Ivn and Bernard had chosen the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, one of our favorite waterfront locations for their midsummer wedding. Vintage suitcases, cream lanterns and stunning waterfront views created a perfectly refined, rustic, yet chic wedding. Featuring extravagant flower arrangements by Intrigue Designs, tones of pinks contrasting against blues and creams. To satisfy the sweet tooth the grooms chose a beautiful cake provided by Bakery Express featuring a unique and adorable cake topper by Mincie Shop.  With a beautiful waterfront view of the Chesapeake Bay and an amazing couple we are so happy that Ivn and Bernard's wedding was featured in H&H Weddings!

Check out the original post at H&H Weddings here!


We were featured in the 2016 International Wedding Trends Report

It wasn't that long ago that I was a bored accountant in a job that wasn't exciting to me, and ultimately just wasn't the right fit for me. When I shot my first wedding eight years ago, I stumbled onto something I honestly never thought I would enjoy, I was just doing a favor for a friend. I always thought wedding photography was cheesy and boring based on my own experience at my wedding. That wedding however, was the start of my transition to a job that I love, and within 1 year, I made a change in careers that lead me, 250 weddings later,  to where I am today. I was a total novice and constantly questioned my decision to change career paths, but I pushed through the tough times, learned everything I could about the industry (I'm still learning every day) and somehow made it to a point where I am being asked for advice on weddings by industry publications. That is one of the reasons it is so thrilling for me when the definitive annual industry resource, The 2016 International Wedding Trends Report included my input for this years report. It's a great ready for brides and industry professionals alike. Check it out here!